Name Wrapper Overview
Are you looking for user-facing guides on how to interact with the Name Wrapper in the ENS Manager App? If so, see here instead: Name Wrapper Guides
The Name Wrapper is a new contract for ENS that allows you to "wrap" any ENS name into a ERC-1155 NFT.
Before the Name Wrapper, only .eth 2LDs (second-level domains, like ens.eth
) had ERC-721 NFTs associated with them, unless the owner created a separate custom contract.

Parent-Controlled Fuses:
- Fuses that only the parent owner can burn
- "Perks" that can be given to the owner of a name
Example: By burning CAN_EXTEND_EXPIRY
, you allow the owner to extend/renew their own subname
Owner-Controlled Fuses:
- Fuses that either the owner or parent owner can burn
- "Permissions" that can be revoked on a name
Example: By burning CANNOT_TRANSFER
, the wrapped NFT can no longer be transferred or sold.
Subname Fuses:
- The parent owner has the power to burn fuses when creating subnames
- Decides what perks, permissions, or guarantees to give to subname owners
Any .eth name or subname
Any DNS name or subname
Unwrapped .eth 2LDs have the concept of a separate Owner (Registrant) and Manager (Controller).
This changes after you wrap the name, because there is only a single account that serves as both the Owner and Manager for the wrapped name.