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Moderator Checklists

Advancing a proposal to a vote

When the author of a Draft Proposal asks for it to be advanced to a vote, and you agree, follow the below steps:

  • Modify the title to include the next sequential EP number (eg [EP4] ...).
  • Move from Draft Proposals to Active Proposals category.
  • Delete Discourse poll (if any).
  • Create a Snapshot vote:
    • 5 day duration.
    • Simple voting unless otherwise called for in the proposal.
    • Copy and paste the title and contents of the proposal to the vote.
    • Add a link to the forum thread at the bottom.
  • Replicate the proposal in the governance docs:
    • Create the header table with a link to the forum thread and snapshot vote.
    • Copy and paste the title and contents of the proposal.
    • Set the status to 'Active'.
    • Submit as a PR for the docs.
  • Edit the forum thread to link to the Snapshot vote at the top.
  • Send a forum DM to the 'delegates' group announcing that the proposal is up for voting.
  • Send a tweet announcing that the proposal is up for voting.

Proposal pass/rejection

When a proposal's voting period concludes, follow the below steps:

  • Update the proposal in the governance docs:
    • For an Executable Proposal that just passed its Snapshot vote, set the status to 'Awaiting Execution'.
    • Otherwise, set the status to 'Passed' if it passed and 'Rejected' if it did not.
  • Update the forum thread:
    • Remove the Snapshot/Tally link at the top.
    • List the current status (as above) at the top of the proposal.
    • If the proposal is Passed or Rejected, lock the thread.
  • If the proposal is an Executable Proposal and passed its snapshot vote:
    • Do the "Executing a proposal" checklist below if it is ready to be executed.
    • Otherwise, add a note to the forum thread about when it will be scheduled for execution.
  • If the proposal is a Constitutional Amendment:
    • Merge the PR to the constitution if it passed.
    • Close the PR otherwise.
  • If the proposal requires any other action, alert those responsible of the need to enact it.
  • Send a tweet announcing the result of the proposal.

Executing a proposal

When an Executable Proposal is ready to be executed, follow the below steps. If you do not have sufficient voting power to submit an executable proposal, ask someone else to do this for you.

  • Construct the executable proposal on the interface of your choice, such as Tally or OZ Defender, following the instructions in the proposal.
  • Have someone else double-check the proposal is structured correctly for you.
  • Optionally, use Tenderly to simulate the effects of submitting the proposal directly to the timelock contract to check it has the expected effect.
  • Submit the proposal to the chain.
  • Add a link to the vote on Tally to the top of the proposal on the forum thread.
  • Update the status of the proposal in the governance docs to 'Active'.
  • Send a forum DM to the 'delegates' group announcing the proposal is up for execution, with a link to the Tally proposal page.
  • Send a tweet announcing that the proposal is up for voting.
Last Modified
8 months ago